Category: Uncategorized

  • Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

    For a complete Doctrinal Homily Outline for the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, please click here. Here are the main parts based on Lectionary 81: Central idea: Christ’s new law for the new person. Doctrine: Christ as the New Adam. Practical application: Living as New Adams and Eves ourselves.  

  • Good News

    Good News

    Thanks to the DreamHost Professional Services team, Doctrinal Homily Outlines has been restored and is working normally. As you will notice, the website looks different. A standard (rather than custom) set up went with the reinstallation. I will work on giving the site a more professional and customized look as soon as possible. This homiletic…

  • Update


    Dear Readers of Doctrinal Homily Outlines, The reason you have not received any notifications in the last few weeks is because the website has been hacked and possibly virtually destroyed. If you receive this, you will probably see links for bogus websites or products at the bottom. I would not click on any of them.…

  • The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Fortitude

    The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Fortitude

    Since the order in which I am presenting the gifts of the Holy Spirit is the order which I find easier to understand (under the assumption that others have the same difficulties that I do), the next gift I will try to explain is the gift of fortitude. Note that there is the natural virtue…

  • Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness

    Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness

    Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied Did Christ live this beatitude? Christ said, “I came to cast fire upon the earth; and would that it were already kindled!” (Lk 12:49). When he drove the merchants out of the Temple because they were making his Father’s house into…

  • Blessed are those who mourn

    Blessed are those who mourn

    Here is a little meditation on the second Beatitude: Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Christ embraced suffering, agony, and finally death on the cross. He was the suffering servant Isaiah prophesized (Is 53 ff.). Christ’s suffering was infinitely valuable and has saved and sanctified us. At the end of his…

  • New Direction for Doctrinal Homily Outlines

    New Direction for Doctrinal Homily Outlines

    Esteemed Readers, I have been writing the weekly Doctrinal Homily Outlines for the past ten years. Outlines for all the Sundays and Solemnities for all three years of the liturgical cycle can be found under the Homily Outlines tab above and then clicking on the current year, which is A. I would love to hear…

  • Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God

    Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God

    Below are links to four outlines for the Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God. We offer to Mary hyperdulia, that is, the highest honor that it is right to show to one of God’s creatures. God preserved Mary from original sin and its effects. He filled her full of grace. Christ Our Savior took…

  • First Sunday of Advent – Year A

    First Sunday of Advent – Year A

    With the First Sunday of Advent, Year A, the Magisterium of the Church invites us to begin again on our road to salvation and sanctification. These are two of the most precious gifts Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ offers us. He took on a human nature in order to give them to us, if…

  • First Sunday of Lent

    First Sunday of Lent

    Today’s Gospel reading is on Christ’s forty days in the desert between his baptism and the beginning of his public life. Here are links to two outlines.  Reparation and mortification Imitation of Christ’s merciful love

  • Christmas


    The Nativity of the Lord There are four sets of Lectionary readings for Christmas. To access any of them, plus a fifth outline based just on the Gospel readings for the day, click the links below. Vigil At Night At Dawn During the Day Based on all four Gospels

  • Changes to Doctrinal Homily Outlines

    Changes to Doctrinal Homily Outlines

    First, I want to express my thanks to all 900 of you subscribers around the world and the 900+ likes Facebook users have recorded. Because of changes in the google program called Feedburner, DHO has had to switch to the service called for you to receive each new post. For this reason, the email…