Category: Ordinary Time
True riches and poverty – Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Central idea: True poverty and riches. Doctrine: Poverty of heart and Christ’s grief over the rich. Practical application: Growing in detachment.
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
The readings are on the virtue of charity and on the call of the prophet Isaiah and of the apostle Peter. Below are links to two outlines. The fear proper to a child of God. The virtue of awe and the vice of presumption.
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus’ fellow townspeople flip from adulation to murderous anger. This is unfortunately the pattern of his life. Here are links to two full, updated and revised outlines. The virtue of hope and acts of hope The laity’s legitimate role in the prophetic office of Christ
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
The lectionary readings for the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time focus on (a) Ezra’s reading of the rediscovered Scriptures to the remnant who returned to Jerusalem from Babylonian captivity and (b) Jesus’ reading of the prophet Isaiah followed by his proclaimation that He is the promised long-awaited messiah. Here are links to two updated and…
The Second Sunday of Ordinary Time
The Gospel for the Second Sunday of Ordinary Time is the Wedding Feast of Cana. Christ reveals himself to be God through his miracle. He also blesses human marriage, perhaps at that moment instituting the Sacrament of Matrimony. He also shows forth the spousal relationship between him and every baptized soul. Two sets of Doctrinal…
Baptism of the Lord
Here are three outlines for the Baptism of the Lord. The image is by El Greco. Isaiah prophesied Christ and acts of contrition Christ’s kenosis or self-emptying The heart of the Blessed Trinity
The Solemnity Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Central idea: Christ is my King and God. Doctrine: Christ as Lord and King. Practical application: Reigning by serving.
Judgment: Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Central idea: The last days and things. Doctrine: The Last Judgment and the hope of a new heaven and a new earth. Practical application: What to do now to be ready for the hour of our death.
Poverty of heart – Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Central idea: Give all you have to God. Doctrine: Poverty of heart. Practical application: Voluntary humility.
Love and Law – Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
Central Idea: We love God by obeying God’s law. Doctrine: God’s law. Practical application: Three means to grow in obedience to God’s law.
Gift of faith and our response – Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Central idea: Faith which saves. Doctrine: Faith is a gift of God. Practical application: Faith in action.
Redemption and Co-Redemption – Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Central idea: Prayer in the face of difficulties. Doctrine: Christ’s redemptive death in God’s plan of salvation. Practical application: Co-redeemers with Christ.