Category: Ordinary Time
Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
Here is a link to the updated and revised outline for the Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Here is the link to the revised and updated outline for the Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time.
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
God will do what he has promised. The theological virtue of faith. Recognizing God in the ordinary.
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Work is the source of a decent life or even riches, although neither is the basis of happiness: That belongs to God. Next Sunday’s readings focus on the futility of working apart from God’s will. The Lectionary 114 readings for the Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, are here. To prepare a homily or for your…
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Knowing, loving, and serving God is like going on a diet and exercise plan. But it is not for two months to lose thirty pounds and to gain a flat stomach. Rather, it is a plan for life to lose all our vices and to gain the mental outlook and natural and supernatural virtues of…
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Contemplative-active lives
Our Lord was ever the master teacher. He was not merely the teacher of his universal doctrine of salvation. He was also the teacher of individual souls who needed formation. One way he taught persons what they needed to know was by responding to them with something completely unexpected but which they really needed to…
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
God wants us to become the sort of persons who are ready for eternal life and happiness with Him, and the angels, and all the saved in heaven. Human freedom is essential for us to become that sort of person—how we respond to everything and what we do. We become this sort of person by…
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
The readings for the Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Lectionary 102) can be found here. The Gospel reading recounts Jesus sending out seventy-two disciples to prepare the towns and places he intends to visit. The seventy-two had only a very limited amount of time to do their work. I think this is why Our Lord directed…
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
To view Lectionary 99, click here. The Homiletic Directory suggests the following Catechism points and themes for the Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: CCC 587: Jesus’ ascent to Jerusalem for his death and Resurrection CCC 2052-2055: Master, what must I do…? CCC 1036, 1816: the urgency of discipleship It is always urgent to chose to be…
Corpus Christi
The Lectionary readings for the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ (169) can be found here. For an updated and revised outline with the following themes, click here. Central idea: Christ is the eternal high priest who offers us what he offered to the Father, himself. Doctrine: The Eucharist. Practical application: Eucharistic Adoration The Homiletic Directory offers the…
The Solemnity of Christ the King
Central idea: Christ is my King and God. Doctrine: Christ as Lord and King. Practical application: Reigning by serving.
The Eucharist and mental prayer– Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Central idea and doctrine: The Eucharist, which is a scandal to some, is our daily bread and a pledge of glory to come. Practical application: Mental prayer.