Category: Lent
Fourth Sunday of Lent
To access two Doctrinal Homily Outlines for the Fourth Sunday of Lent, click either of the links below. Sacrament of Confession The Prodigal Son Here is a snippet: Confession is the means Our Lord has left for us to get rid of mortal sins committed after Baptism. After Christ rose from the dead he appeared…
Third Sunday of Lent
To access two Doctrinal Homily Outlines for the Third Sunday of Lent, click on the links below: The second commandment Practical repentence Here is a snippet from the second one: Why are prayer, almsgiving, and penance traditionally parts of Lent? What is their point? We all have a desert inside ourselves. In it, we are…
Second Sunday of Lent
To access either of two Doctrinal Homily Outlines for the Second Sunday of Lent, please click on one of the links below. Suffering and glory Citizens of heaven living on earth
First Sunday of Lent
To access two Doctrinal Homily Outlines for the First Sunday of Lent click either link below. Reparation and mortification Imitation of Christ’s merciful love
Palm Sunday
For a Doctrinal Homily Outline for Palm Sunday, click here. Here are some points in regard to the Gospel reading, which is Mark’s account of the Passion. The Gospel reading ends before the Redemption is complete, before Christ rises from the dead. Christ did all he did out of love for us. Christ first left…
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Here is a link to a full doctrinal homily outline for the Fifth Sunday in Lent, Year B. The central idea I discerned is loving life by hating it. The doctrinal focus is the virtue of temperance or selfless self-preservation. A practical application is a personal encounter with Christ. Here is a brief excerpt: Our…
Fourth Sunday of Lent
A Doctrinal Homily Outline for the Fourth Sunday of Lent is here. The focus is medicinal suffering and virtues needed to live the truth. Here is an excerpt from the first Lectionary reading (32): The sacred writer shows God’s punishment to be medicinal. The Chosen People’s suffering caused them to turn back to God who…
Third Sunday of Lent
Here is a link to a Doctrinal Homily Outline for the Third Sunday of Lent, Year B, Lectionary 29. The central idea is God’s Law and Jesus Christ. The doctrine discussed is God’s law, the natural law, civil law, and conscience. The practical application focuses on obeying God and not men. Here is one principle…
Second Sunday of Lent
Here is the link for a doctrinal homily outline for the Second Sunday of Lent. Its focus: Central idea: God wants to bestow life. Doctrine: The problem of suffering. Practical application: Alleviate others’ suffering. The proper response to another’s suffering is kindness and mercy, to alleviate that suffering if we can. What are some things we might be…
The First Sunday of Lent: Concupiscence
Here is a link to a Doctrinal Homily Outline for the First Sunday of Lent for Year B. The Gospel is Mark’s summary of Jesus’ experience in the desert and the beginning of His public ministry. The first reading recounts the Covenant God established with Noah and his descendants after the Flood. The second reading…
Fifth Sunday of Lent
To access a full Doctrinal Homily Outline for the Fifth Sunday in Lent, based on Lectionary 34. click here. Central idea: Resurrection from the dead. Doctrine: Death and hope in our own resurrection. Practical application: A proper awareness of death.
Fourth Sunday of Lent and the Solemnity of St. Joseph
Next Sunday is the Fourth Sunday of Lent. A Doctrinal Homily Outline for Lectionary 31 on Christ as the Light of the World can be found here. Normally, the Solemnity of St. Joseph is on March 19, but because it falls on Sunday this year, it has been moved to Monday. An outline on Joseph…