Category: Guest Homilies
Guest Homily – 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
If your hand causes you to sin.
Guest Homily for 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B
(This is a homily for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time, preached by Fr. Kevin Mann, S.J.C. I love the way it moves from the natural, to the supernatural, and then to the very practical. ) Before Texas became a part of the United States it had sought to gain independence from Mexico, so as to…
Guest Homily – The Gifts of the Holy Spirit of Knowledge and Understanding
(This is a very powerful homily I heard this past Sunday, whose author kindly gave me permission to share with all of you. The Catholic faithful need to hear many more like this!) RIGHT AND WRONG: Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time A homily given by Fr. Dennis Koliński, SJC Sacred Heart Church in Springfield, Illinois…
Do not be afraid
A homily on divine filiation for the Feast of St. Josemaria Escriva.
Confession – Guest Homily for the Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B
The need for and how to make a good confession.
Be a Missionary: Guest Homily for Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B
I think this guest homily by my pastor, Fr. Jeff Grant, is an excellent example of drawing practical lessons from the Sunday lectionary readings. Be a missionary Once there was a young seminarian studying to be a missionary. Early one morning at three am the rector called him out of his sleep to come to…
Sample Homily for the Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C—August 25, 2013
(For the Doctrinal Homily Outline for this Sunday, click here.) What does it mean to do the will of God? We pray, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” On our part, what does it take for that petition to come about? To do the will of God…
Guest Homily for the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God – January 1
This is a wonderful homily by Reverend Monsignor Carl A. Kemme, Moderator of the Curia and Vicar General for the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois, preached at Blessed Sacrament Parish for the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God. I especially want to point out the practical advice he offers to the laity on how…
Guest Homily – Brave New Family
Ordained in 1994, Rev. Glen Mullan has been the Pastor of Christ the King Parish in Corpus Christi, Texas for the past eight years. He has a B.A. Philosophy from the University of Dallas and an M.A. in Theology from St. Mary’s Seminary in Houston. Although Fr. Mullan did not utilize Doctrinal Homily Outlines for the…