Category: Advent
Fourth Sunday of Advent: The Word became flesh
The Word became flesh. The Son became incarnate to do the Father’s will. Contemplation of the Unborn Christ.
Third Sunday of Advent – Joy
Central idea: Prepare for joy. Doctrine: Joy. Practical application: Becoming more joyful.
Third Sunday of Advent – Purity of heart
Central Idea: We can experience some of the peace and joy of salvation right now, on the condition that we purify our hearts. Doctrine: Purity of heart. Practical Application: Having purity of heart and acting for a right intention.
Second Sunday of Advent – Hope
Central Idea: Even though as followers of Christ we are each undergoing a difficult but good transformation, we can feel a lot of joy in this life anticipating the joy of heaven. Doctrine: The Theological Virtue of Hope. Practical Application: Ways to activate hope.
Second Sunday of Advent – Prayer for the Kingdom of God
Central idea: The road to the Kingdom of God. Doctrine and practical application: Prayer for the coming of the Kingdom of God.
The First Sunday of Advent – Charity
Central Idea: We will always be ready to meet Christ our Judge if every day we are humbly making the effort to obey his commandments out of love. Doctrine: The Theological virtue of Charity. Practical Application: Acts of the virtue of religion; acts of love.
First Sunday of Advent – Vigilance
Central idea: Vigilance. Doctrine: The final tribulation and Christ’s Last Judgment. Practical application: Alertness.
Mary, Virgin Most Prudent: Fourth Sunday of Advent
Central idea: Mary, Virgin Most Prudent. Doctrine: The virtue of prudence. Practical application: Growing in prudence.
Rejoice in the Lord Always: Third Sunday of Advent
Central idea: Rejoice in the Lord. Doctrine: The Beatitudes. Practical application: Rejoicing in the Lord always.
What Sort of Persons We Ought to Be: Second Sunday of Advent
Central idea: The sort of persons we should be eager to become. Doctrine: The virtue of friendliness. Practical application: Become friendlier.
Be watchful! Be alert! – The First Sunday of Advent
Central idea: Be watchful! Be alert! Doctrine: Humble vigilance of heart in prayer. Practical application: Being a better servant.
Jesus Christ is Emmanuel, God-with-Us: the Fourth Sunday of Advent – Year A
Jesus Christ is Emmanuel, God-with-Us. The Incarnation. An Act of Faith in the Incarnation.