Author: Kevin Aldrich

  • The Baptism of the Lord, the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, and another book

    The Baptism of the Lord, the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, and another book

    For three Doctrinal Homily Outlines for the Baptism of the Lord (January 8) and one for the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (January 14), please click here and then scroll down. A Catholic philosopher and religious writer that 20th Century popes considered perhaps the greatest of their time was Dietrich von Hildebrand. One of his…

  • The Epiphany and Pieper

    The Epiphany and Pieper

    For four Doctrinal Homily Outlines for the Epiphany, please click here and then scroll down. Another book that has been a big help to me Josef Pieper, a married layman, was a German philosopher who worked in the tradition of St. Thomas Aquinas. His dates are 1904 to 1997. He is famous for a slim…

  • The Holy Family, Mary the Mother of God, and another book

    The Holy Family, Mary the Mother of God, and another book

    This is such a beautiful liturgical season. Besides Christmas and its extension beyond the one day, we celebrate the Holy Family (and every human and Catholic family) and our great and good spiritual mother, Our Lady. For four Doctrinal Homily Outlines for the Feast of the Holy Family and four more for the Solemnity of…

  • Fourth Sunday of Advent and Christmas – and books

    Fourth Sunday of Advent and Christmas – and books

    Books that have been a big help to me For a Doctrinal Homily Outline for the Fourth Sunday of Advent and for links to the five outlines for the five different Masses for Christmas, please click here and then scroll down. To have a little something to share with you, along with your homiletic link,…

  • Third Sunday in Advent and some thoughts

    Third Sunday in Advent and some thoughts

    For a Doctrinal Homily Outline for the Third Sunday of Advent, please click here. Some thoughts for you consideration Sin is so foolish. Adam and Eve disobeyed God due to the lie that they would be like God. But they were already “like God,” since they were made in His image and likeness. Is there…

  • Second Sunday of Advent and a second (unofficial) modern Father of the Church

    Second Sunday of Advent and a second (unofficial) modern Father of the Church

    Here is a link to a doctrinal homily outline for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. Here is a link to the same for the Second Sunday of Advent for Year B. Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J. A second unofficial kind of Father of the Church I wish everyone to know about is the Jesuit priest…

  • An (unofficial) Father of the Church – First Sunday of Advent, Year B

    An (unofficial) Father of the Church – First Sunday of Advent, Year B

    This coming Sunday is the First Sunday of Advent, with the Lectionary beginning Year B. The Doctrinal Homily Outline breaks down as follows: Central idea: Be watchful! Be alert! Doctrine: Humble vigilance of heart in prayer. Practical application: Being a better servant. To view the complete outline, click here. A modern (unofficial) Doctor of the Church Over the next two…

  • The Fourth level of Happiness: The transcendentals and God

    The Fourth level of Happiness: The transcendentals and God

    For a complete Doctrinal Homily Outline for the Solemnity of Christ the King, Year A, click here. The Transcendentals  Fr. Spitzer points out the truth, discussed in the Western tradition for at least 2500 years, that we have five desires we want to be completely fulfilled, that we can pursue in this life and obtain…

  • The Third Level of Happiness: Contribution

    The Third Level of Happiness: Contribution

    For a full Doctrinal Homily Outline for the Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary time, click here. Central idea: Fruits of the fear of the Lord. Doctrine: Children of God or divine filiation. Practical application: A brief summary of some of the consequences of divine filiation in the Christian life. The third level of happiness: Contribution to others The…

  • The Four Levels of Happiness: Ego gratification

    The Four Levels of Happiness: Ego gratification

    For a Doctrinal Homily Outline for the Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary time, click here. The themes are Central idea: Be awake and prepared to meet Christ. Doctrine: Christ will make all things subject to him. Practical application: Prudence. Ego gratification The second and higher level of happiness Fr. Spitzer’s recognizes he calls ego gratification. Right off the bat this…

  • Four Levels of Happiness: Physical Pleasure

    Four Levels of Happiness: Physical Pleasure

    Here is a link to the Doctrinal Homily Outline for the Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary, titled Priests of Christ are to be leaders who serve. Back in September, I introduced Fr. Robert Spitzer’s four levels of happiness. I can finally resume. Only four? It might seem limiting to claim there are only four basic kinds of…

  • Good News

    Good News

    Thanks to the DreamHost Professional Services team, Doctrinal Homily Outlines has been restored and is working normally. As you will notice, the website looks different. A standard (rather than custom) set up went with the reinstallation. I will work on giving the site a more professional and customized look as soon as possible. This homiletic…