Author: Kevin Aldrich
Pentecost – Mass during the day
The connection among the Resurrection, Pentecost, and the Eucharist.
Christ’s Prayer for Us: Seventh Sunday of Easter
Children of God. The Prayer of the Hour of Jesus. The Lord’s Prayer.
The Ascension of the Lord
The Ascension and our status as children of the Father.
The Holy Spirit gives life to our faith: Sixth Sunday of Easter
The Holy Spirit gives life to our faith. Communion of life and love. Apologetics.
You are a priest and can be a better one: Fifth Sunday of Easter
The faithful are a holy priesthood who offer spiritual sacrifices to God through Christ. Exercising the common priesthood of all the faithful.
The Sheep of the Good Shepherd: Fourth Sunday of Easter
The Sheep of the Good Shepherd. The virtue of docility.
Third Sunday of Easter – Kerygma and Didache
The Savior has risen. Kerygma and Didache. Christian formation.
Divine Mercy: The Second Sunday of Easter
Divine Mercy. Evidence for the Resurrection of Christ. Renewal of Parish Life.
The resurrection of Christ and our resurrection – Easter
The Resurrection of Christ and our resurrection.
Easter – The Lord’s Day and Walking with the Holy Spirit
To view the Lectionary readings for Easter, you can go to the USCCB website here and select them from the calendar. The outline below is based on the Homiletic Directory’s second group of Catechism points with the theme: “Easter, the Lord’s Day” (CCC 647, 1167-1170, 1243, 1287). In this outline I will focus just…
Points to consider for the Easter Vigil readings
Points to consider when preparing a brief homily for the Mass of Easter Vigil.
The Resurrection of the Lord
Joy in the Resurrection of Christ and of us.