Author: Kevin Aldrich
Christ is the key to interpreting Scripture – Third Sunday of Easter
Central idea and Doctrine: Christ is the key to interpreting all Scripture. Practical application: Praying the Psalms in the light of Christ.
Second Sunday of Easter
Central idea: Christ’s Resurrection and the promise of our own. Doctrine: Our new birth in the Resurrection of Christ. Practical application: Cooperation in growing in the new life Christ offers us.
The Resurrection of Christ
Here is a link to four outlines for Easter, one for the Vigil Mass and three others based on Homiletic-Directory-suggested themes. Go to this page and then scroll down until you reach Easter Sunday.
Christ’s Passion – Palm Sunday
Christ’s Passion – Palm Sunday
Solemnity of St. Joseph and the Fifth Sunday of Lent
This Friday is the Solemnity of St. Joseph. Here is a link to an outline based on those readings. Sunday is the Fifth Sunday of Lent. Here is a link to an outline based on those readings.
Medicinal suffering and virtues needed to live the truth – Fourth Sunday of Lent
Central idea: Medicinal suffering. Doctrine and practical application: Virtues needed to live the truth.
Christ and Laws – Third Sunday of Lent
Central idea: God’s Law and Jesus Christ. Doctrine: God’s law, the natural law, civil law, and conscience. Practical application: Obeying God and not men.
Suffering – The Second Sunday of Lent
Central idea: God wants to bestow life. Doctrine: The problem of suffering. Practical application: Alleviate others’ suffering.
Concupiscence – First Sunday of Lent
Central idea: Sin and its remedy. Doctrine: Concupiscence and self-mastery. Practical application: Lenten activities.
Kindness – Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Central idea: Christ is our model of kindness. Doctrine: The virtue of kindness. Practical application: Growing in kindness.
Optimism and Hope – Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Central idea: Confidence in God. Doctrine: Optimism and Hope. Practical application: Activating hope.
Marriage – The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Central idea: Authentic prophets who teach with authority. Doctrine: The vocation to marriage. Practical application: Understand and defend marriage.