Author: Kevin Aldrich
The First Sunday of Advent – Charity
Central Idea: We will always be ready to meet Christ our Judge if every day we are humbly making the effort to obey his commandments out of love. Doctrine: The Theological virtue of Charity. Practical Application: Acts of the virtue of religion; acts of love.
First Sunday of Advent – Vigilance
Central idea: Vigilance. Doctrine: The final tribulation and Christ’s Last Judgment. Practical application: Alertness.
The Solemnity Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Central idea: Christ is my King and God. Doctrine: Christ as Lord and King. Practical application: Reigning by serving.
Judgment: Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Central idea: The last days and things. Doctrine: The Last Judgment and the hope of a new heaven and a new earth. Practical application: What to do now to be ready for the hour of our death.
Poverty of heart – Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Central idea: Give all you have to God. Doctrine: Poverty of heart. Practical application: Voluntary humility.
Love and Law – Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
Central Idea: We love God by obeying God’s law. Doctrine: God’s law. Practical application: Three means to grow in obedience to God’s law.
Gift of faith and our response – Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Central idea: Faith which saves. Doctrine: Faith is a gift of God. Practical application: Faith in action.
Redemption and Co-Redemption – Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Central idea: Prayer in the face of difficulties. Doctrine: Christ’s redemptive death in God’s plan of salvation. Practical application: Co-redeemers with Christ.
The wealth of wisdom – Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Central idea: True wealth and how to attain it. Doctrine: The danger of wealth and the need for it. Practical application: Corporal and spiritual works of justice and mercy.
Guest Homily – 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
If your hand causes you to sin.
Conjugal fidelity – Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Central idea: What is marriage? Doctrine: Conjugal fidelity. Practical application: Witness conjugal fidelity in deed and word.
Ecumenism – The Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Central idea: Value the good others possess; abhor your own evil. Doctrine: Ecumenism. Practical application: How to be a more ecumenical Catholic. To view Lectionary 137, click here. Central idea: Value the good others possesses; abhor your own evil Reading 1 Nm 11:25-29 The LORD came down in the cloud and spoke to Moses. Taking…