Author: Kevin Aldrich

  • The Second Sunday of Ordinary Time

    The Second Sunday of Ordinary Time

    The Gospel for the Second Sunday of Ordinary Time is the Wedding Feast of Cana. Christ reveals himself to be God through his miracle. He also blesses human marriage, perhaps at that moment instituting the Sacrament of Matrimony. He also shows forth the spousal relationship between him and every baptized soul. Two sets of Doctrinal…

  • The Epiphany

    The Epiphany

    Four doctrinal homily outlines for the Feast of the Epiphany.

  • Baptism of the Lord

    Baptism of the Lord

    Here are three outlines for the Baptism of the Lord. The image is by El Greco. Isaiah prophesied Christ and acts of contrition Christ’s kenosis or self-emptying The heart of the Blessed Trinity

  • Mary the Mother of God

    Mary the Mother of God

    Here are links to four outlines for the Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God. Like Mary, ponder what God has done for us Contemplate Christ and His Mother Honor Mary, the Theotokos The New Law and the Blessings of the Children of God

  • Feast of the Holy Family

    Feast of the Holy Family

    Here are links to four outlines for the Feast of the Holy Family. The domestic Church The fourth commandment Family virtues The Holy Family and our families

  • Christmas


    The Nativity of the Lord There are four sets of Lectionary readings for Christmas. To access any of them, plus a fifth outline based just on the Gospel readings for the day, click the links below. Vigil At Night At Dawn During the Day Based on all four Gospels

  • The Fourth Sunday of Advent

    The Fourth Sunday of Advent

    To view Lectionary 12, click here. Basic Question: Our Lady believed God would keep the promises he made to her. That is why St. Elizabeth said to her, “Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.” God has made you many promises. Do you believe that…

  • Fourth Sunday of Advent: The Word became flesh

    Fourth Sunday of Advent: The Word became flesh

    The Word became flesh. The Son became incarnate to do the Father’s will. Contemplation of the Unborn Christ.

  • Third Sunday of Advent – Joy

    Third Sunday of Advent – Joy

    Central idea: Prepare for joy. Doctrine: Joy. Practical application: Becoming more joyful.

  • Third Sunday of Advent – Purity of heart

    Third Sunday of Advent – Purity of heart

    Central Idea: We can experience some of the peace and joy of salvation right now, on the condition that we purify our hearts. Doctrine: Purity of heart. Practical Application: Having purity of heart and acting for a right intention.

  • Second Sunday of Advent – Hope

    Second Sunday of Advent – Hope

    Central Idea: Even though as followers of Christ we are each undergoing a difficult but good transformation, we can feel a lot of joy in this life anticipating the joy of heaven. Doctrine: The Theological Virtue of Hope. Practical Application: Ways to activate hope.

  • Second Sunday of Advent – Prayer for the Kingdom of God

    Second Sunday of Advent – Prayer for the Kingdom of God

    Central idea: The road to the Kingdom of God. Doctrine and practical application: Prayer for the coming of the Kingdom of God.