Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Click here for a full Doctrinal Homily Outline for the Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time.

The theme is “communion with the Bread of Life,” the breakdown is:

  • Central idea: Our Lord is the Bread of Life.
  • Doctrine: The Mass as a memorial.
  • Practical application: Worthy reception of Communion.

Here is a brief excerpt about the meaning of the word “memorial”:

  • By memorial is not meant its common contemporary definition of a remembering. The memorial of the Mass is not like a service when someone dies, or a national holiday in honor of some important event, or even a saint’s day in the Church calendar.
  • Rather, the Mass as a memorial means a real participation in the original event. To explain, consider how the Last Supper and the Passion of Christ are really one event: at the Last Supper Our Lord offered himself to the Father in an unbloody manner and in his Passion in a bloodly manner. In the Mass, the Church understands we are participating in that original one event.






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