For a Doctrinal Homily Outline for the Third Sunday of Advent, please click here.
Some thoughts for you consideration
Sin is so foolish. Adam and Eve disobeyed God due to the lie that they would be like God. But they were already “like God,” since they were made in His image and likeness. Is there any temptation to sin from the world, the flesh, or the devil, that is not also a lie?
God explained it all to Cain when this first-born man was downcast. “Sin is crouching at the door; its desire is for you, but you must master it” (Gen 4). God would not say to master sin were that not possible. He gives us sufficient grace to make up what is lacking in our own strength so that we need never sin mortally.
From Adam and Eve’s original sin grew Cain’s murder of Abel. Then soon emerged Lamech, the first polygamist and mass murderer (Gen 4:23-24). Things went downhill fast.
About Advent – Not an original thought but worth repeating. Christ came in the flesh as a helpless baby to redeem us. He will one day come in glory and judgment. In this middle time, he comes to each new person who is willing to receive Him. Our earthly life is an advent.
As Our Lady put it, God “has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts” (Lk 1:51). Let’s live by truth instead of lies, virtues rather than sins, and humility rather than vain pride.
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