Good News

Thanks to the DreamHost Professional Services team, Doctrinal Homily Outlines has been restored and is working normally.

As you will notice, the website looks different. A standard (rather than custom) set up went with the reinstallation. I will work on giving the site a more professional and customized look as soon as possible.

This homiletic and spiritual resource has been and will be completely free. Please tell your friends about it so we can increase subscribers!

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Kevin Aldrich






6 responses to “Good News”

  1. Fr. Anthony Njugi Avatar
    Fr. Anthony Njugi

    We thank God!
    Please continue the good work!
    God bless you, Kevin!

  2. Fr. Nil Avatar
    Fr. Nil

    Greetings in Christ Kevin. Keep Up the good work. May God richly bless you and all your endeavors!

  3. Deacon Dr. James R. Hill Avatar
    Deacon Dr. James R. Hill

    I have yet to have a access linking me to Doctrinal Homily Outlines for weeks. I’d like it restored here.

    1. Kevin Aldrich Avatar

      I don’t know what you mean.

  4. James Avatar

    Be blessed for the good work. You are highly appreciated. Praise the Lord!

  5. James Avatar


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