The four levels of happiness
One of the wisest Catholic writers alive is Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J. Just one of his many insights into human nature and our salvation and sanctification is his model of the four levels of happiness. These four types of happiness, ranked in their natural order of value and importance, are physical pleasure, ego-gratification, contribution to others’ happiness, and the transcendentals and God. So that I will have something to send to you each week to remind you about the readings for the coming Sunday with a link to a full Doctrinal Homily Outline, I will write briefly about one of these kinds of happiness each week for the next four.
Here is a link to the Doctrinal Homily Outline for the Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Stop sinning and start loving.
I apologize for not sending anything this past week but the administrative side of this website was not working. In addition, the website is still having problems as there are a bunch of garbage links at the bottom of each page. I will get those removed ASAP.
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