New Direction for Doctrinal Homily Outlines

Esteemed Readers,

I have been writing the weekly Doctrinal Homily Outlines for the past ten years. Outlines for all the Sundays and Solemnities for all three years of the liturgical cycle can be found under the Homily Outlines tab above and then clicking on the current year, which is A.

I would love to hear where you might like this free service to go from here.

Certainly, I would love to gain more followers. The best way to grow the site is probably for you to tell your friends, especially if your friend is your local bishop!

One welcome but unexpected discovery is that many lay persons find these outlines beneficial for their own spiritual lives, particularly in their mental prayer. If you have any thoughts about this, I’d love to hear them.

Cordially yours in Christ,

Kevin Aldrich







6 responses to “New Direction for Doctrinal Homily Outlines”

  1. Fr. Alan B. Maria Wharton Avatar
    Fr. Alan B. Maria Wharton

    Ave Maria!

    Dear Ken,

    I am a priest and I want to thank you for this work you’ve done. Your site with the homily outlines has often been a “security blanket” for me when I’m unable to prepare well in advance for a homily. The Doctrinal Homily Outlines is great resources for a quick overview of the Liturgy of the Word, a great aid in homily preparation, which I use often.

    One idea for site development might be to build on to what you have, linking to Patristic references, and other solid theological commentary. Ideally, that would be coordinated in some fashion, with the Sunday homily outline, so, maybe a bit like a concordance or bibliography for that particular Gospel passage or pastoral them that you propose.

    Whether or not you further develop this site, I hope you will be able to keep it online and gain more followers.

    God bless.

    1. Kevin Aldrich Avatar

      Thank you, Fr. Alan!

  2. Dennis Hewitt Avatar
    Dennis Hewitt

    I use the outlines to enhance my notes for the Adult Teaching series I do for the weekly Sunday lessons. I have been doing a weekly series for several years now which I entitled “Discovering the Heart and Mind and Will of God.” My premise is that every time we read and study Holy Scripture, we discover another nugget concerning the Mind of God and thus we can discover clues concerning His Will for us both in the short term and through our lives. I am a retired Anglican priest who brought my congregation into the Catholic Church in 2012.
    Dennis Hewitt

    1. Kevin Aldrich Avatar

      Wow. That is amazingly apostolic!

  3. Fr. Don Avatar

    Hello Ken,

    I am also a priest who wants to thank you for your great resource.

    I am happy to give you exposure on my website which showcases/curates the best catholic resources for Sunday preparation. For the ascension, you can find a link to your website on the following page.

    1. Kevin Aldrich Avatar

      Thank you, Fr. Don. Your website is a real gem!

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