Fourth Sunday of Easter

“The good Shepherd” mosaic in mausoleum of Galla Placidia. Ravenna, Italy. 5th century A.D. Photo by Petar Milošević.

The Lectionary 51 readings are some of the most consoling we encounter in Sacred Scripture. Christ and the Father are one. We belong to them. God will wipe every tear from our eyes.

Each of the two outlines from the archives focuses on the central idea that Christ is the Good Shepherd.

One of them, here, also considers the virtue of docility to God, the ministerial priesthood, and other authority. We sheep should follow our legitimate shepherds when they exercise their legitimate authority.

The other, here, considers the virtue of courage. Even though we are Christ’s sheep, we might rightly be lambs with the hearts of lions.

In addition, the Homiletic Directory offers the following Catechism points and themes for the Fourth Sunday of Easter:

  • CCC 754, 764, 2665: Christ the Shepherd and Gate
  • CCC 553, 857, 861, 881, 896, 1558, 1561, 1568, 1574: Pope and bishops as shepherds
  • CCC 874, 1120, 1465, 1536, 1548-1551, 1564, 2179, 2686: priests as shepherds
  • CCC 60, 442, 543, 674, 724, 755, 775, 781: the Church is made up of Jews and Gentiles
  • CCC 957, 1138, 1173, 2473-2474: our communion with the martyrs






2 responses to “Fourth Sunday of Easter”

  1. cyril Avatar

    How can I get the homiletic directory. My mail is

    1. Kevin Aldrich Avatar

      Cyril, Just enter your email address in the field next to the Subscribe button at the top right and then click on Subscribe.

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