- The word epiphany literally means appearance or revelation.
- The Magi appear in Jerusalem and reveal to Herod that the King of Israel has been born.
- The star the Magi have been following reveals to them who this King is, the Christ Child in the arms of his mother Mary.
- The appearance of the Gentile Magi to Christ reveals to us that Christ’s salvation is for all men. He is not only the King of Israel but the King of all persons in all times and places.
Here are links to four different outlines for your personal meditation or homily preparation:
In each, the central idea of the readings is that Christ’s redemption is for every human being. However, the doctrinal focus and practical applications vary.
- Personal apostolate
- Christian service
- The Church, Sacrament of human unity
- Prayer for Christian unity
The Lectionary 20 readings can be found here.
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