Here is the link to a revised and updated outline for the Twenty-Ninth Sunday. It is all about the virtue of perseverence.
Moses needed the help of two men to persevere in holding up his arms so that Israel would prevail in battle.
In the Gospel, Our Lord counsels us to persevere in prayer no matter what. He also asks the question, will men persevere in faith such that there will be faith on earth when he returns?
Something I’d forgotten all about in regard to the natural virtue of perseverance is this:
- To live the natural virtue of perseverance, identify (1) a good goal, (2) the obstacles that stand between you and the achievement of that goal, and (3) ways to get over, around, under, or through those obstacles, and then (4) go about applying these ways over time until the goal is reached.
Actually, perseverence is a natural virtue, a supernatural virtue, and a gift of grace:
- Central Idea: Perseverance in living the faith.
- Doctrine: Perseverance, supernatural perseverance, and Final Perseverance.
- Practical Application: Living perseverance.
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