Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Lot and his daughters escaping the destruction of Sodom.

Knowing, loving, and serving God is like going on a diet and exercise plan. But it is not for two months to lose thirty pounds and to gain a flat stomach. Rather, it is a plan for life to lose all our vices and to gain the mental outlook and natural and supernatural virtues of Christ, the perfect man.

To view a revised and updated doctrinal homily outline with the following foci, click here.

  • Central Idea: Wrestling with God in prayer.
  • Doctrine: Prayer and filial trust.
  • Practical Application: Transformation in Christ.

To view Lectionary 111, click here.

The Homiletic Directory offers the following Catechism points and themes for the Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time:

  • CCC 2634-2636: prayer of intercession
  • CCC 2566-2567: universal call to prayer
  • CCC 2761-2772: the Lord’s Prayer as a synthesis of Gospel
  • CCC 2609-2610, 2613, 2777-2785: turning to God with persistence and filial trust
  • CCC 2654: lectio divina
  • CCC 537, 628, 1002, 1227: buried and risen in baptism






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