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The Homiletic Directory suggests the following Catechism points and themes for the Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time:
- CCC 587: Jesus’ ascent to Jerusalem for his death and Resurrection
- CCC 2052-2055: Master, what must I do…?
- CCC 1036, 1816: the urgency of discipleship
It is always urgent to chose to be a disciple of Christ and it is always urgent to be a better disciple of Christ because our time on earth is limited and we never know when we will be called to give an account to Christ.
However, the urgency of discipleship is even more urgenttoday:
- Today, a powerful minority, increasingly backed by government, education, big business, and the mass media is demanding that we adapt our Catholic faith to their ideology.
- We are supposed to agree that instead of their being two complementary sexes, male and female, there are dozens and dozens of “genders,” that are self-chosen.
- We are supposed to embrace a new definition of marriage, that it is an impermanent and non-exclusive state-sanctioned romantic relationship between any two adults, regardless of their sex, with no real connection to children.
- We must say abortion and contraception are rights and pay for others to receive them.
- Overall, we must leave our Catholic faith—especially our morality—outside public life.
- What do you think Christ would say? Faced with a similar demand, the Apostles said, “We must obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29).
For a revised and updated Doctrinal Homily Outline for the Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time with the following themes, click here.
- Central idea: God must come first.
- Doctrine: Vocation.
- Practical application: Living and discerning your vocation (in this order).
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