Your thoughts?

Virgin with Child by Francisco de Zurbarán (1598–1664)

Dear Reader,

Doctrinal Homily Outlines is now completing its sixth year. With tomorrow’s post I will have worked through the three year Lectionary cycle twice.

DHO now has about 850 subscribers from all over the world and has garnered about 650 Facebook likes.

DHO is a free service for homilists and the lay faithful seeking deeper insights in the Mass readings.

I’d love to hear from you in the comments on how to best serve you in the coming year. If you don’t care to make a public comment, you may also email me at

Cordially in Christ,

Kevin Aldrich







6 responses to “Your thoughts?”

  1. Rev Robert Farrell Avatar
    Rev Robert Farrell

    Many thanks! The homilies are very useful.

    God bless.

  2. Fr M Sellers Avatar
    Fr M Sellers

    Many thanks for your efforts. I appreciate your reflections and often use them as part of my homily preparation

  3. Jay Ludvik Avatar
    Jay Ludvik

    Thanks so much for your commitment to helping clergy with insights into weekly Scriptures for our homilies. Don’t always use your material but enjoy the resource. Blessings.

  4. Franklin G Njeru Avatar

    Your homilies not only help the clergy buy also the laity. They are well prepared and helps the laity understand the themes of the readings and even to understand the Bible well. May the Almighty God continue to bless you as you evangelize to the world.

  5. Deacon MIke Lowe Avatar
    Deacon MIke Lowe

    Your insight is precise. I find it very useful in preparing and understanding the background of the Sunday Passages. we share this with over 94 Outreach ministers who in turn share it with the people they minister to. if I could ask for anything it would be to have the “PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS” include references to the Issues and problems we are challenged with today , government corruption, abortion, right to life, fallen away from the faith, same sex unions, teens, weakened marriage ideals.

  6. Rebecca Avatar

    i like reading your website and facebook posts; thank you

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